Bring the strength onto the pitch!
How to Determine & Monitor Heart Rate
This article and its other elements are aimed at goalkeepers from late teens to adult only.
To determine maximum heart rate use the formula 220 – Your Age = Predicted MHR
As a guideline you should work within 60 percent to 80 percent of your maximum heart rate MHR -- this is known as your target heart rate THR. Above this rate increases cardiovascular and orthopaedic risk and does not add any extra benefit.
For beginners or if you have not exercised for some time start at a 50 / max 60 percent rate.
Only you will know what range to work within based on current fitness; be sensible as it will be safer to start at the lower rate and work up rather than assume you can handle the higher level.
Your pulse is your heart rate and this can be taken at the wrist and neck. Checking your pulse should be before any exercise to find your normal (resting) rate.
Pulse in your wrist:
- Hold out one of your hands with palm facing upwards and elbow slightly bent.
- Put the first (index) and middle finger of your other hand on the inside of your wrist, at the base of your thumb.
- Press your skin lightly until you can feel a pulse - if you can’t feel anything, you may need to press slightly harder or move your fingers around.
Pulse in your neck:
- Press the same fingers on the side of your neck in the soft hollow area just beside your Adam’s apple.
When you find your pulse:
- Count the number of beats for 30 seconds and multiply by 2.
- Shorter periods can be used so long as multiple factor increases to cover beats in a minute.
Most adults have a resting rate of 60 to 100 beats per minute (bpm).
Continue to monitor pulse during exercises and do not exceed the percentage rate you are working at on your MHR.
If you take medication or have any medical condition this can affect your heart rate so seek specialist advice.